Ohio Wesleyan University
Class of 1971
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Newest Members
Richard Adler
Judith Aitkin
Dorothy Allen
Marilyn Allison
Jay Berkowitz
Nancy Breyfogle
Lawrence Browne
Peter Burling
Sarah Campbell
Marsha Cook
Deborah Deneen
Christine Doran
Mary Dorman
William Dugan
William Eye
Mark Ferguson
Dorothy Firman
William Fruhauf
Ann Godwin
Susan Groves
William Henze
Robert Hergrueter
Michael Hertzberg
Charles Huggard
Diane Kenton
Barbara Kolk
Paul Kramer
Jayne L. Weber
Stephen Lappert
Helen Latourette
Rebecca Laughlin-Jackson
Kathleen Lowry (Alevras)
Ronald Matsui
Michael Mickler
Deborah Nuse
Anthony Paraskevopoulos
Laura Peckman
Charles Phinney
Alan Prescott
Jon Reis
Marilyn Robertson
Elizabeth Sherwood
James Slater
Christopher Sowers
Gregory Subtelny
Kyung-Sun Suh
Lorraine Tunny
Susan Tuttle
William Vonburg
Jennifer Whipple
Thomas White
Thomas Williams
Suzanne Wilson
William Wilson
Walter Woodhouse
Donald Wright
Anderson Young