Survey: On Effectiveness of the Site and Interest in Continuing
It has been 16 months since our 50th and we would like to review the effectiveness of the “Class Creator” website. Rather than shut it down after the subscription expired in October of last year, Russ and I worked with the university to keep it up another year. We were amazed to see around 150 logins from just about that number of separate people since the reunion. We were pleasantly surprised to see that people are using the site to stay in touch and pass on information such as newly deceased classmates. The system automatically sends out birthday notices and clearly there was continued interest. We have helped the class of 73 to bring their site up and they seem to be using it to good effect. They are planning right now to keep the site going until at least the 55th reunion.
The concept of using a private website to support the 50th reunion was a first for OWU and an experiment by the reunion staff. As we provide feedback to OWU on the utility of the site for future reunions, we want to determine any value in maintaining the site for the class of 71 for the next few years possibly until the 55th.
Looking forward to the 55th reunion, the site could enable the class stay in touch in general and promote the 55th when the time comes. The site enables us to maintain security and privacy of the data as well as make selected information public. We only scratched the surface of the capabilities of the site such as forums and picture galleries.
Please respond by Friday the 23d so we can present results to OWU and make a decision prior to deactivation in October. (we prematurely sent out a link to the test survey while in development. If you responded to the test survey you only need to respond to the added most important last question):
You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.
The site had value in the lead up to our 50th reunion.
Completely Agree
Somewhat Agree
This site provided useful benefits over and above other means of communication such as Facebook and email.
Completely Agree
Somewhat Agree
The system was easy to use.
Completely Agree
Somewhat Agree
The explanations for system use were clear.
Completely Agree
Somewhat Agree
It is likely that I will promote the site to other classmates I know to bring them onboard.
Completely Agree
Somewhat Agree
The control of security and privacy is important to me.
Completely Agree
Somewhat Agree
I am interested in creating or participating in forums and galleries for selected topics
Completely Agree
Somewhat Agree
e.g. Wisdom I want to pass down to my grandchildren. The most important lessons I learned in my lifetime.
I think the site should remain active at least through our 55th reunion timeframe.